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Hannah Starr & Ryan McComb — Minted

Hannah Starr


Ryan McComb

Hannah Starr and Ryan McComb

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

Ryan and Hannah were both born and raised in Sarasota Florida, and their families have known each other for 20+ years. Although Ryan and Hannah were not close growing up due to their age differences, they began to share mutual friends when Hannah was in college.

Ryan attended Southern Methodist University and received a B.S. degree in Finance and Hannah attended Florida State University and also received a B.S. in Finance. During Hannah’s senior year of college is when the two started to become closer friends. Ryan was working in New York City at the time and Hannah decided at the last minute to turn down a job in San Diego and accept an offer with Alliance Bernstein in New York City instead. This is where their story begins…

The first time they got together in New York City was on a double date. Ryan was with his girlfriend at the time and Hannah was still dating her college boyfriend. While Ryan and Hannah both found New York City exciting, they missed Sarasota and their family and friends and found comfort being around one another. As Ryan and Hannah continued to see each other, they realized how much they had in common and became close friends. As the year passed, Hannah’s company moved to Nashville, and Ryan’s Company asked him to work out of the Lexington KY office.

Then came the year 2020. Ryan and Hannah both ended up back in Sarasota, working remote. However, this time they were both single. This is when they had the chance to really get to know one another. Since there were not many social events going on during this time, and they were part of the same friend group, they were together on a daily basis.

They spent many evenings at each other’s parent’s homes and attending each other’s family gatherings. They also enjoyed many of the same activities such as boating, tennis, golf, and pickleball. This is when they realized they have a lot more in common than just finance – but also, their family values and life goals, and love and respect for one another. The two quickly became inseparable.

After 2 ½ years of dating, Ryan and Hannah got engaged in front of both of their families on Christmas morning. They recently bought a home together and look forward to building a family and happily ever after.